Shadow Defender - Software yang satu ini memiliki kemiripan dengan Deep Freeze, Shadow Defender Full Version akan membantu kita melindungi data data pada komputer kita dengan cara mem-freeze partisi yang tentunya sudah kita pilih, Sehingga walaupun virus, worm, trojan dan lain sebagainya menyerang komputer, kita tidak perlu merasa khawatir. Kelebihan software ini di banding deep freeze adalah shadow defender dapat di freeze ataupun masuk ke shadow mode tanpa perlu kita merestar komputer kita.

Screenshot :

Program Description:

Optimal State - Configure your system exactly the way you want it ONCE and run in that optimal state at all times. No need to spend the time removing unwanted files or trouble shooting and eliminating unwanted PC changes.
System Recovery- Reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for managing and maintaining your PCs by simply rolling the systems back to an optimal state.
System Security - Surf the internet without a trace of unwanted cookies, internet history, temporary files, spam applications or spyware.
Virus Protection - Prevent downtime and system damage due to virus and worm outbreaks. Prevent the virus from ever being written to the hard disk.
Change Management - Maximize system uptime by instantly undoing accidental or malicious system changes.
Patch Management - Safely test updates, patches and applications before permanently saving changes to your system.
Software Test Optimization - Quickly run various configurations on one system for software test scenarios. No need to reinstall or re-image a system to restore it to its original state.

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Download link :
Shadow Defender Full Serial (4 MB)