Crime Life - Gang Wars - Crime Life: Gang Wars tells the story of a dude named Tre. Tre's a new member of the Outlawz, a once-powerful street gang that seems to have fallen on hard times, while its main rival, the Headhunterz, is flourishing. You can tell they're "from tha streetz" by the way they use a "z" instead of an "s" in their names. You'll take on the role of Tre and work on earning some rep in the neighborhood by getting in organized street fights, sticking up jewelry stores, shoplifting, and all types of ill business.

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    Program Description:
    Minimum System Requirements: :
    System: 1.2Ghz CPU or equivalent
    RAM: 256 MB
    Hard Drive Space: 3000 MB

    Recommended System Requirements:
    System: 2.0Ghz CPU or equivalent
    RAM: 512 MB
    Download via Mediafire
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    Source file : GamesndHacks
    Status : Work on Windows 7 32 bit
    Download link :
    Crime Life - Gang Wars Full RIP Part 1 (143 MB)
    Crime Life - Gang Wars Full RIP Part 2 (143 MB)
    Crime Life - Gang Wars Full RIP Part 3 (143 MB)
    Crime Life - Gang Wars Full RIP Part 4 (143 MB)
    Crime Life - Gang Wars Full RIP Part 5 (122 MB)